Saturday, April 26, 2008

In love with Patachitra

The art of Patachitra just fascinates me. It is a folk art from Orissa, that dates back to the 5th century. The painting are made using the easily available materials in the villages. The canvas is prepared using a mixture of tamarind paste and lime stone on cloth that is let to dry. The pigments used are made from naturally available materials that is indigenous to the state. The pictures usually depict the Lord Jagannata mostly, but also are popular for their representations of the stories of lord Krishna and rama, and many other gods and godesses that Hindus worship.

The introduction alone does not justify the beauty of the paintings that can be seen. Their vibrant colors just draw you to the paintings. Though the central theme is a god or goddess, they are not represented in divine centric paintings , instead most of them are story boards of various stories of the gods and goddesses. Our eyes are not just stopped at one epic central theme, but are invited to wander all over the painting, taking in minute details, of how the artist represents the gods. The borders are equally rich, beautifully framing the theme. These paintings remind me that people don't want their gods in a pedestal, but want them to be almost human. Each character is given a personality, not just background to a theme, but with a story of their own. For now I will just satisfy my addiction, by trying and painting one.

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